fioreDB : Database for Flower Bio-engineering by CRES-T system
fioreDB : Database for Flower Bio-engineering by CRES-T system

>>AT2G37630 (AtPHAN, AtMYB91, MYB91, AS1)

Alias AtPHAN, AtMYB91, MYB91, AS1
TF Classification
FioreDBMYB (Click to show phylogenetic tree)
RARTFMYB superfamily / GL1
PlnTFDBMYB (v3.0), MYB (v1.0)
TAIR short description ARABIDOPSIS PHANTASTICA-LIKE 1, MYB DOMAIN PROTEIN 91, ASYMMETRIC LEAVES 1, myb-like HTH transcriptional regulator family protein (.1)
TAIR annotation Encodes a MYB-domain protein involved in specification of the leaf proximodistal axis. Mutation results in lobed and dissected leaves with a characteristic asymmetry. Homologous to the Antirrhinum PHANTASTICA (PHAN) and maize ROUGH SHEATH2 (RS2) genes Asymmetric placement of auxin response at the distal leaf tip precedes visible asymmetric leaf growth. Acts alongside AXR1 to exclude BP expression in leaves and with PIN1 to repress BP and promote lateral organ growth. Interacts physically with AS2 to form a complex that binds to the BP promoter and silences BP. Also functions as a regulator of the plant immune response. (.1)
Gene model
Gene model cDNA support
AT2G37630.1 44
Entry clone (w/o stop) IE_0067
External link
General info TAIR DATA
Genomic seq TAIR seq viewer
T-DNA tag line T-DNA Express
miRNA Search ASRP
Phylogeny SALAD database
Promoter ppdb
Microarray data
NASC NASCarray_SpotHistory NASCarray_DigitalNorthern
Genevestigator Genevestigator
eFP Browser Developmental Map Abiotic Stress
AtGenExpress Development Hormone Abiotic Stress Light Pathogen
Gene Ontology (GO)
(P) 10338: developmental processes ->leaf formation
(F) 1135: other molecular functions ->transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II transcription factor recruiting
(P) 30154: other cellular processes ->cell differentiation
(F) 3677: DNA or RNA binding ->DNA binding
(F) 3700: transcription factor activity ->transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding
(P) 42742: response to abiotic or biotic stimulus ->defense response to bacterium
(F) 42803: protein binding ->protein homodimerization activity
(F) 43565: DNA or RNA binding ->sequence-specific DNA binding
(F) 44212: DNA or RNA binding ->transcription regulatory region DNA binding
(P) 45088: response to stress ->regulation of innate immune response
(P) 45892: other metabolic processes ->negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
(P) 46686: other biological processes ->response to cadmium ion
(P) 50832: response to abiotic or biotic stimulus ->defense response to fungus
(F) 5515: protein binding ->protein binding
(C) 5634: nucleus ->nucleus
(C) 5730: nucleus ->nucleolus
(P) 6351: transcription,DNA-dependent ->transcription, DNA-templated
(P) 6357: other metabolic processes ->regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
(C) 793: other intracellular components ->condensed chromosome
(P) 8356: other cellular processes ->asymmetric cell division
(P) 9615: response to abiotic or biotic stimulus ->response to virus
(P) 9651: response to abiotic or biotic stimulus ->response to salt stress
(P) 9733: other biological processes ->response to auxin
(P) 9739: other biological processes ->response to gibberellin
(P) 9751: other biological processes ->response to salicylic acid
(P) 9753: other biological processes ->response to jasmonic acid
(F) 981: transcription factor activity ->RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding
(P) 9908: developmental processes ->flower development
(P) 9944: developmental processes ->polarity specification of adaxial/abaxial axis
(P) 9946: developmental processes ->proximal/distal axis specification
(P) 9965: developmental processes ->leaf morphogenesis
Ia Ib II III Total
poplar 1 1 2
soybean 1 4 5
rice 1 1
sorghum 1 1
Total 4 5 9
Repression motif
AWRLRRLELQLESEKT at 280/367 in AT2G37630.1
Repression motif
in putative orthologs
Plasmid construction -> done
Plasmid construction -> done
Transformed -> done
T1 seed harvested -> done
T2 seed harvested -> done
CRES-T phenotype from individual project
View all photo

dwarf (A20550), meristem-less (direct input), abnormal branching (A20550), slow growth (direct input), wide leaf (A20550), abnormal seedling (direct input)
CRES-T phenotype from publication
CRES-T phenotype from bulk project too many rosettes, late flowering (A20736-114)
short stamen, sterile or low fertility (A20323-143)
Phenotype in ornamental plants

ID Species Construct Date Comment Phenotype Photo
ID50079 Torenia 35S:AtCDS-SRDX 2008-10-01 development bulk, 8 of 17 lines  small blotch size 
[Publication link]