fioreDB : Database for Flower Bio-engineering by CRES-T system
fioreDB : Database for Flower Bio-engineering by CRES-T system

>>AT4G36920 (FL1, FLO2, AP2)

Alias FL1, FLO2, AP2
TF Classification
FioreDBAP2_ERF (Click to show phylogenetic tree)
PlnTFDBAP2-EREBP (v3.0), AP2-EREBP (v1.0)
TAIR short description FLORAL MUTANT 2, FLOWER 1, APETALA 2, Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein (.1.2)
TAIR annotation Encodes a floral homeotic gene, a member of the AP2/EREBP (ethylene responsive element binding protein) class of transcription factors and is involved in the specification of floral organ identity, establishment of floral meristem identity, suppression of floral meristem indeterminancy, and development of the ovule and seed coat. AP2 also has a role in controlling seed mass. Dominant negative allele I28, revealed a function in meristem maintenance-mutant meristems are smaller than normal siblings. AP2 appears to act on the WUS-CLV pathway in an AG independent manner. (.1), Encodes a floral homeotic gene, a member of the AP2/EREBP (ethylene responsive element binding protein) class of transcription factors and is involved in the specification of floral organ identity, establishment of floral meristem identity, suppression of floral meristem indeterminancy, and development of the ovule and seed coat. AP2 also has a role in controlling seed mass. Dominant negative allele I28, revealed a function in meristem maintenance-mutant meristems are smaller than normal siblings. AP2 appears to act on the WUS-CLV pathway in an AG independent manner. (.2)
Gene model
Gene model cDNA support
AT4G36920.1 60
AT4G36920.2 29
Entry clone (w/o stop) RE_0114
External link
General info TAIR DATA
Genomic seq TAIR seq viewer
T-DNA tag line T-DNA Express
miRNA Search ASRP
Phylogeny SALAD database
Promoter ppdb
Microarray data
NASC NASCarray_SpotHistory NASCarray_DigitalNorthern
Genevestigator Genevestigator
eFP Browser Developmental Map Abiotic Stress
AtGenExpress Development Hormone Abiotic Stress Light Pathogen
Gene Ontology (GO)
(P) 10073: other biological processes ->meristem maintenance
(P) 10093: developmental processes ->specification of floral organ identity
(P) 19953: other biological processes ->sexual reproduction
(P) 30154: other cellular processes ->cell differentiation
(F) 3677: DNA or RNA binding ->DNA binding
(F) 3700: transcription factor activity ->transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding
(P) 48316: developmental processes ->seed development
(P) 48481: developmental processes ->plant ovule development
(C) 5634: nucleus ->nucleus
(P) 6351: transcription,DNA-dependent ->transcription, DNA-templated
(P) 6355: transcription,DNA-dependent ->regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
(P) 9908: developmental processes ->flower development
Target sequence miRNA/tasiRNA sequence Map


Ia Ib II III Total
poplar 1 1 2
soybean 1 4 5
rice 1 1
sorghum 1 1
Total 3 1 5 9
Repression motif
TPQDHNLDLSLGNSAN at 302/432 in AT4G36920.1
TPQDHNLDLSLGNSAN at 302/432 in AT4G36920.2
Repression motif
in putative orthologs
NAPDHNLDLSLGNATS at 346/531 in soybean Gm047360 (Type II)
VAADHNLDLSLGNSSS at 315/494 in soybean Gm029917 (Type II)
NAADHNLDLSLGNPAS at 345/534 in poplar Pt037200 (Type Ia)
NAPDHNLDLSLGNATS at 347/532 in soybean Gm047359 (Type II)
GDDEHNLDLSLGSSAG at 299/614 in sorghum Sb030095 (Type Ia)
MVLDLNVESPGGSAA at 3/436 in rice Os027482 (Type Ib)
VAADHNLDLSLGNLIS at 320/500 in soybean Gm001914 (Type Ia)
NAAAHNLDLSLGNPAS at 348/513 in poplar Pt002384 (Type II)
VAADHNLDLSLGNLIS at 315/497 in soybean Gm001915 (Type II)

Plasmid construction -> done
Plasmid construction -> done
Transformed -> done
T1 seed harvested -> done
T2 seed harvested -> done
CRES-T phenotype from individual project
View all photo

abnormal phyllotaxis (A22047), asynmetric cotyledon (direct input), abnormal seedling (direct input), abnormal stem (A22047), too many branchings (A22047), abnormal silique (A22047), abnormal sepal (A22047)
CRES-T phenotype from publication
CRES-T phenotype from bulk project
Phenotype in ornamental plants

ID Species Construct Date Comment Phenotype Photo
ID23 Chrysanthemum 35S:AtCDS-SRDX 2005-08-18   no phenotype   
ID50015 Torenia 35S:AtCDS-SRDX 2005-05-18   doubling, bicolor 
ID591 Rosa 35S:AtCDS-SRDX 2008-10-01   double flower, abnormal distribution of wax  and more...
ID50063 carnation 35S:AtCDS-SRDX 2010-09-11   light color petal 
Comment Mainly act as repressor