fioreDB : Database for Flower Bio-engineering by CRES-T system
fioreDB : Database for Flower Bio-engineering by CRES-T system

>>AT4G04890 (PDF2)

Alias PDF2
TF Classification
FioreDBHD (Click to show phylogenetic tree)
AtTFDBHomeobox / HD-Zip IV
PlnTFDBHB (v3.0), HB (v1.0)
TAIR short description protodermal factor 2 (.1)
TAIR annotation Encodes a homeodomain protein that is expressed in the LI layer of the vegetative, floral and inflorescence meristems. Binds to the L1 box promoter element which is required in some proteins for L1 specific expression. (.1)
Gene model
Gene model cDNA support
AT4G04890.1 83
Entry clone (w/o stop) RE_0557_x
External link
General info TAIR DATA
Genomic seq TAIR seq viewer
T-DNA tag line T-DNA Express
miRNA Search ASRP
Phylogeny SALAD database
Promoter ppdb
Microarray data
NASC NASCarray_SpotHistory NASCarray_DigitalNorthern
Genevestigator Genevestigator
eFP Browser Developmental Map Abiotic Stress
AtGenExpress Development Hormone Abiotic Stress Light Pathogen
Gene Ontology (GO)
(F) 3677: DNA or RNA binding ->DNA binding
(F) 3700: transcription factor activity ->transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding
(F) 43565: DNA or RNA binding ->sequence-specific DNA binding
(P) 48497: developmental processes ->maintenance of floral organ identity
(P) 48825: developmental processes ->cotyledon development
(F) 5515: protein binding ->protein binding
(C) 5634: nucleus ->nucleus
(P) 6351: transcription,DNA-dependent ->transcription, DNA-templated
(P) 6355: other cellular processes ->regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
(F) 8289: other binding ->lipid binding
(P) 9845: developmental processes ->seed germination
(P) 9913: other cellular processes ->epidermal cell differentiation
Ia Ib II III Total
poplar 1 13 14
soybean 1 22 23
rice 2 2 4
sorghum 2 7 9
physcomitrella 1 1 2 4
Total 1 7 46 54
Repression motif
Repression motif
in putative orthologs
MEEEKSLALELAASSM at 274/782 in soybean Gm000301 (Type III)
GLGGPALDLDLDLDLI at 148/668 in poplar Pt023720 (Type III)
GLGGPSLDLDLLPGSS at 189/718 in soybean Gm045465 (Type III)
GIGGPSLDLDLIPTSS at 191/725 in poplar Pt027686 (Type III)
PAPAPSLNLDLLPAGT at 189/713 in soybean Gm013033 (Type III)
FTSSPALSLALADAVA at 18/806 in rice Os018491 (Type III)
FFASPALSLSLAGIFR at 21/759 in poplar Pt011816 (Type III)
PALGPSLDLDLLSGGS at 181/707 in sorghum Sb011181 (Type III)
LGGPPSLDLDLLSGCS at 182/700 in sorghum Sb003177 (Type III)
MFNSPGLSLALQSDID at 57/820 in soybean Gm026113 (Type III)
GESRTHLRLSLPCGAH at 889/1026 in sorghum Sb030572 (Type III)
MFNSPGLSLALQTSID at 71/835 in soybean Gm005897 (Type III)
GPAPSSLNLDLLPAAG at 192/721 in soybean Gm020365 (Type III)
GFGATGLSLGLQTNME at 50/1043 in sorghum Sb023592 (Type III)
PLGYMALCLRLCSVII at 1032/1043 in sorghum Sb023592 (Type III)
FASSPALSLALDNAGG at 28/804 in rice Os009241 (Type III)
MFNSPGLSLALQQPNI at 55/820 in poplar Pt039764 (Type III)
GIGGPSLDLDLIPTSS at 191/707 in poplar Pt027687 (Type III)
GLGGPSLDLDLLPGSS at 189/722 in soybean Gm025110 (Type III)
MFNSPGLSLALQQPNI at 54/823 in poplar Pt018110 (Type III)
MEEEKSLTLELAASSM at 274/747 in soybean Gm025492 (Type III)
FSSSPALSLGLDNAGG at 32/987 in sorghum Sb024877 (Type III)

Plasmid construction -> done
Plasmid construction -> done
Transformed -> done
T1 seed harvested -> done
T2 seed harvested -> not_yet
CRES-T phenotype from individual project
CRES-T phenotype from publication
CRES-T phenotype from bulk project
Phenotype in ornamental plants

ID Species Construct Date Comment Phenotype Photo
ID50094 Torenia 35S:AtCDS-SRDX 2008-10-01 development bulk, not obtained      