Alias |
TF Classification |
TAIR short description |
Integrase-type DNA-binding superfamily protein (.1) |
TAIR annotation |
encodes a member of the DREB subfamily A-5 of ERF/AP2 transcription factor family. The protein contains one AP2 domain. There are 15 members in this subfamily including RAP2.1, RAP2.9 and RAP2.10. (.1) |
Gene model |
Entry clone (w/o stop) |
RE_0026 |
External link |
Gene Ontology (GO) |
(F) 3677: DNA or RNA binding |
->DNA binding |
(F) 3700: transcription factor activity |
->transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding |
(C) 5634: nucleus |
->nucleus |
(P) 6351: transcription,DNA-dependent |
->transcription, DNA-templated |
(P) 6355: other metabolic processes |
->regulation of transcription, DNA-templated |
(P) 9873: signal transduction |
->ethylene-activated signaling pathway |
miRNA/tasiRNA |
Orthologs |
Type |
Ia |
Ib |
II |
Total |
poplar |
1 |
3 |
4 |
soybean |
1 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
rice |
sorghum |
physcomitrella |
Total |
2 |
5 |
1 |
8 |
Repression motif |
Repression motif in putative orthologs |
Status |
Plasmid construction | -> done |
Plasmid construction | -> done |
Transformed | -> done |
T1 seed harvested | -> done |
T2 seed harvested | -> done |
CRES-T phenotype from individual project
CRES-T phenotype from publication |
CRES-T phenotype from bulk project |
Phenotype in ornamental plants
ID |
Species |
Construct |
Date |
Comment |
Phenotype |
Photo |
ID557 |
Torenia |
2007-07-06 |
flower bulk, 3 lines  |
no phenotype  |
Comment |