fioreDB : Database for Flower Bio-engineering by CRES-T system
fioreDB : Database for Flower Bio-engineering by CRES-T system

>>AT4G09460 (ATMYB6, ATMYB8)

TF Classification
FioreDBMYB (Click to show phylogenetic tree)
RARTFMYB superfamily / GL1
PlnTFDBMYB (v3.0), MYB (v1.0)
TAIR short description myb domain protein 6 (.1)
TAIR annotation Encodes myb6 DNA-binding protein. (.1)
Gene model
Gene model cDNA support
AT4G09460.1 51
Entry clone (w/o stop) RE_02H01_x
External link
General info TAIR DATA
Genomic seq TAIR seq viewer
T-DNA tag line T-DNA Express
miRNA Search ASRP
Phylogeny SALAD database
Promoter ppdb
Microarray data
NASC NASCarray_SpotHistory NASCarray_DigitalNorthern
Genevestigator Genevestigator
eFP Browser Developmental Map Abiotic Stress
AtGenExpress Development Hormone Abiotic Stress Light Pathogen
Gene Ontology (GO)
(F) 1135: other molecular functions ->transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II transcription factor recruiting
(P) 30154: other cellular processes ->cell differentiation
(F) 3677: DNA or RNA binding ->DNA binding
(F) 3700: transcription factor activity ->transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding
(F) 43565: DNA or RNA binding ->sequence-specific DNA binding
(F) 44212: DNA or RNA binding ->transcription regulatory region DNA binding
(C) 5634: nucleus ->nucleus
(P) 6351: transcription,DNA-dependent ->transcription, DNA-templated
(P) 6355: other metabolic processes ->regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
(P) 6357: other metabolic processes ->regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter
(P) 9739: other biological processes ->response to gibberellin
(P) 9751: other biological processes ->response to salicylic acid
(P) 9753: other biological processes ->response to jasmonic acid
(F) 981: transcription factor activity ->RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding
Ia Ib II III Total
poplar 4 34 38
soybean 1 35 36
rice 1 13 14
sorghum 1 10 11
physcomitrella 1 6 7
Total 1 7 98 106
Repression motif
NSGHIKLNLDLTLGFG at 195/236 in AT4G09460.1
Repression motif
in putative orthologs
QCTLPDLNLDLTMSIP at 182/226 in poplar Pt034304 (Type III)
QERCPDLNLELGISLP at 189/271 in poplar Pt021128 (Type III)
QERCPDLNLELRISLP at 186/268 in poplar Pt018632 (Type III)
SFPHHQLNLDLSIGLP at 203/301 in soybean Gm015390 (Type II)
PCALPDLNLDLSITNP at 186/255 in soybean Gm019076 (Type III)
SSSDINLDLTLSIPSK at 167/185 in poplar Pt027434 (Type III)
PPKCPDLNLDLCISPP at 161/243 in rice Os032444 (Type III)
SCALPDLNLDLSICEK at 160/218 in soybean Gm053532 (Type III)
SCALPDLNLDLTARFH at 182/221 in poplar Pt041257 (Type III)
VPRCPDLNLDLCISPP at 216/452 in sorghum Sb031046 (Type III)
EPRCPDLNLELSVGPT at 197/260 in rice Os021728 (Type III)
GEKCQELNLELRICPP at 168/245 in poplar Pt000910 (Type III)
APRCPDLNLDLDLDLS at 205/287 in rice Os004951 (Type III)
EPRCPDLNLELSVGPT at 197/260 in rice Os021729 (Type II)
VHPNHKLNLELSIGLP at 220/318 in poplar Pt012921 (Type III)
APRCPDLNLDLDLSVG at 194/269 in sorghum Sb009095 (Type III)
PTSLPTLILFR at 239/244 in poplar Pt003372 (Type II)
LERCPDLNLELTISPP at 170/246 in soybean Gm030520 (Type III)
HERCPDLNLELTISPP at 157/235 in soybean Gm013657 (Type III)
HERCPDLNLELTISPP at 150/228 in soybean Gm013658 (Type III)
PLKCPDLNLDLCISLP at 189/251 in rice Os034636 (Type III)
GEKCQELNLELRICPP at 177/254 in poplar Pt000909 (Type III)
QERCPDLNLELRISLP at 186/266 in poplar Pt018633 (Type III)
SVPHHQLNLDLSIGLP at 210/302 in soybean Gm010386 (Type III)
SSSINIDLNIAAPASPGH at 200/245 in poplar Pt019483 (Type II)
PSSLPTLLLFR at 240/245 in poplar Pt019483 (Type II)
VVGGIDLNLSLSPPTS at 196/215 in sorghum Sb016715 (Type III)
LERCPDLNLELTISPP at 173/253 in soybean Gm032581 (Type III)
LERCPDLNLELTISPP at 133/203 in soybean Gm008428 (Type III)
LERCPDLNLELTISPP at 140/210 in soybean Gm008427 (Type III)

Plasmid construction -> done
Plasmid construction -> done
Transformed -> done
T1 seed harvested -> done
T2 seed harvested -> done
CRES-T phenotype from individual project
CRES-T phenotype from publication
CRES-T phenotype from bulk project
Phenotype in ornamental plants

ID Species Construct Date Comment Phenotype Photo
ID544 Torenia 35S:AtCDS-SRDX 2007-07-06 flower bulk, 6 lines  no phenotype   