fioreDB : Database for Flower Bio-engineering by CRES-T system
fioreDB : Database for Flower Bio-engineering by CRES-T system

>>AT2G17950 (WUS1, PGA6, WUS)

Alias WUS1, PGA6, WUS
TF Classification
FioreDBHD (Click to show phylogenetic tree)
AtTFDBHomeobox / WOX
PlnTFDBHB (v3.0), HB (v1.0)
TAIR short description WUSCHEL 1, WUSCHEL, Homeodomain-like superfamily protein (.1)
TAIR annotation Homeobox gene controlling the stem cell pool. Expressed in the stem cell organizing center of meristems. Required to keep the stem cells in an undifferentiated state. Regulation of WUS transcription is a central checkpoint in stem cell control. The size of the WUS expression domain controls the size of the stem cell population through WUS indirectly activating the expression of CLAVATA3 (CLV3) in the stem cells and CLV3 repressing WUS transcription through the CLV1 receptor kinase signaling pathway. Repression of WUS transcription through AGAMOUS (AG) activity controls stem cell activity in the determinate floral meristem. Binds to TAAT element core motif. WUS is also involved in cell differentiation during anther development. (.1)
Gene model
Gene model cDNA support
AT2G17950.1 10
Entry clone (w/o stop) RE_0537
External link
General info TAIR DATA
Genomic seq TAIR seq viewer
T-DNA tag line T-DNA Express
miRNA Search ASRP
Phylogeny SALAD database
Promoter ppdb
Microarray data
NASC NASCarray_SpotHistory NASCarray_DigitalNorthern
Genevestigator Genevestigator
eFP Browser Developmental Map Abiotic Stress
AtGenExpress Development Hormone Abiotic Stress Light Pathogen
Gene Ontology (GO)
(P) 10492: other biological processes ->maintenance of shoot apical meristem identity
(P) 19827: other biological processes ->stem cell population maintenance
(P) 30154: other cellular processes ->cell differentiation
(F) 3677: DNA or RNA binding ->DNA binding
(F) 3700: transcription factor activity ->transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding
(P) 45471: other biological processes ->response to ethanol
(P) 48653: developmental processes ->anther development
(F) 5515: protein binding ->protein binding
(C) 5634: nucleus ->nucleus
(P) 6351: transcription,DNA-dependent ->transcription, DNA-templated
(P) 6355: other metabolic processes ->regulation of transcription, DNA-templated
(P) 80166: developmental processes ->stomium development
(P) 90506: developmental processes ->axillary shoot meristem initiation
Ia Ib II III Total
poplar 1 1
soybean 1 1
rice 1 1
sorghum 1 1
Total 4 4
Repression motif
LEHRRTLPLFPMHGED at 253/292 in AT2G17950.1
VRPCASLELRLN at 285/292 in AT2G17950.1
Repression motif
in putative orthologs
TREPETLPLFPVVFVG at 199/289 in rice Os019381 (Type Ib)
PAAGTSLELTLSSYYC at 269/289 in rice Os019381 (Type Ib)
AEKIETLPLFPMHGED at 205/264 in poplar Pt002935 (Type Ib)
TTSRTSLELSLYSYNG at 249/264 in poplar Pt002935 (Type Ib)
TRAPETLPLFPTGGDD at 221/327 in sorghum Sb014806 (Type Ib)
DASAASLELSLSSWCS at 310/327 in sorghum Sb014806 (Type Ib)

Plasmid construction -> done
Plasmid construction -> done
Transformed -> done
T1 seed harvested -> done
T2 seed harvested -> done
CRES-T phenotype from individual project
View all photo
adventitious shoot formation from embryonic root. WUS over expression like.
bushy (direct input), abnormal leaf (direct input), fasciated stem (direct input), dwarf (direct input), somatic embryo formation (direct input), abnormal flower (direct input), abnormal stem (direct input), sterile or low fertility (direct input), adventitious shoot formation (direct input)
CRES-T phenotype from publication abnormal seedling, somatic embryo formation, adventitious shoot formation (PMID19897670)
CRES-T phenotype from bulk project
Phenotype in ornamental plants

ID Species Construct Date Comment Phenotype Photo
ID30 Chrysanthemum 35S:AtCDS-SRDX 2005-08-18   no phenotype   
ID83 Gentiana AtACT2pro:AtCDS-SRDX 2006-03-30   No phenotype   
ID50018 Torenia 35S:AtCDS-SRDX 2005-08-18   incurving leaves 
Comment Mainly act as repressor